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Sunday, June 27, 2010

What happens to your credit report after filling bankruptcy?

What happens to your credit report after filling bankruptcy?
Does all the bad credit listed on your report just get wiped out? Is there a bankruptcy listed on it?

I heard you can get credit very easily after filing bankruptcy as you cannot file bankruptcy for 7 years. Is that true? I heard it’s easy to rebuild your credit after.

What happens to your credit report after filling bankruptcy?”
The items will state, example:Visa – discharged in bankruptcy….they stay rather than everything being wiped cleanThey stay for ten yearsYou cannot file again for 8 more years
Credit card companies LOVE to give new unsecured cards to people just out of Chapter 7….Throw their offers in the trash. The last thing you need is more unsecured credit card debt just out of a BK filing. Get a secured credit card instead. The type where you put up a security deposit that equals your credit limit.
The bankruptcy will be listed on your credit report under the Public Records Section.
Your credit report is your history so the items will remain on your credit report for the time allowed per the Fair Credit Reporting Act. However, they will be noted that the debt was “Included in bankruptcy” with the amount owed shown as 0 because you are no longer legally responsible for it. If after you have the BK discharged and these show any amount owed or that it was not included you need to send in a dispute and have it corrected. But you can not have it removed.
It is fairly easy to get credit afterwards. In fact don’t be surprised to receive a ton of credit card and auto loan offers after you file. But these offers will be from Sub-Prime lenders. As a result you will not get the best rates, but high rates and fees. As a safe estimate you can expect an interest rate of about double of what you could get with decent credit. So for example if a person with decent credit could get approved for a car loan at 8% interest rate, that same bank may give you a 16% interest rate after your BK.

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Credit Repairs Unlimited is a credit firm focusing on repairing credit reports along with credit counseling services.

We have helped many Americans repair their credit reports by removing inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable information (in other words, "questionable" negative credit.)

From bankruptcies to charge-offs to tax liens, we have challenged virtually every credit problem imaginable.

Credit report repair can be considered as a set of interventions one applies to questionable credit listings in order to manifest an improved credit rating.

These interventions are usually conducted by written letter, although -- while usually not recommended -- some approaches may be attempted by telephone.

Most people believe that credit repair begins and ends with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In fact, there are thick pamphlets and even whole books directed toward consumers whose entire contents dwell upon that singular Federal statute.

Need Help? Contact Credit Repairs Unlimited online at www.cru-usa.info or contact us at 706-922-0160