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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Anyone Can Qualify for Small Personal Loans With Bad Credit

Anyone Can Qualify for Small Personal Loans With Bad Credit

Are you in desperate need of a loan to help with an unexpected financial situation, but feel there is no way anyone will lend you money with your current credit history? The good news is that it is entirely possible to get small personal loans with bad credit. In fact, not only are these loans possible, they are probably the easiest loans to get!Most people think that once their credit scores hit the “risk” level that they have no options available to them if they ever need financial help. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! There are plenty of ways for people with bad credit to get financial help and small personal loans.One of the easiest ways of getting the funds you need is most commonly through a payday loan. Payday loans are available in smaller sums. Typically the largest payday loan you will be able to get is five hundred dollars. If this is more than you need, then a payday loan is absolutely your best bet. The best part about these small loans is that most of the companies who offer them don’t check your credit score. Usually, the only qualifications for approval are a checking account that is in good standing at your bank and steady employment (they like to see between one and three months at your current job).The downside to these types of small loans is that the interest rates are usually sky high and the loans are often charged a fee that gets added to the repayment amount. It is vital that you will be able to pay these loans back on time and in full or you could get hit with ridiculously high repayment costs. And it pays to check around at a few different companies to get your best rates.Another option for bad credit small personal loans is a secured credit card. While this isn’t technically a loan, it will help you get through a financially trying time. A secured credit card is a card that comes with an initial “start up” fee that gets charged against your credit limit. Depending on the amount of credit that you have been given, the fee might be the deciding factor in whether or not you accept the card. A fifty dollar fee charged to a card with a two hundred and fifty dollar limit, for example, is not an option that you should take.If you have the opportunity to choose between a secured credit card and a payday loan, the secured credit card is a better investment than a payday loan. This is because when you make your payments on time you are taking steps to raise your credit score and create a positive repayment history. This will make it easier for you to be approved for loans later on.The important thing to remember is that having bad credit is not the end of the world. Small personal loans with bad credit are entirely possible. What’s more, a bad credit score is only temporary! It is possible to rebuild your credit score and repayment history in a relatively short amount of time.

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Credit Repairs Unlimited is a credit firm focusing on repairing credit reports along with credit counseling services.

We have helped many Americans repair their credit reports by removing inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable information (in other words, "questionable" negative credit.)

From bankruptcies to charge-offs to tax liens, we have challenged virtually every credit problem imaginable.

Credit report repair can be considered as a set of interventions one applies to questionable credit listings in order to manifest an improved credit rating.

These interventions are usually conducted by written letter, although -- while usually not recommended -- some approaches may be attempted by telephone.

Most people believe that credit repair begins and ends with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In fact, there are thick pamphlets and even whole books directed toward consumers whose entire contents dwell upon that singular Federal statute.

Need Help? Contact Credit Repairs Unlimited online at www.cru-usa.info or contact us at 706-922-0160